
Susan Huckeby

Analise Belasco, Bozeman Barracudas, and Michael Schermerhorn, Missoula YMCA Swim Team, were named the 2023-2024 Montana Swimming Sportspersons of the Year during the recent Montana Swimming House of Delegates meeting. The award honors high school juniors and seniors who show outstanding leadership, sportsmanship, team spirit, and service to their clubs and Montana Swimming. Analise served as the Montana Swimming athlete representative for two years. She served as an athlete representative and group leader at the recent Montana – Wyoming Swimposium in Cody, WY. The Bozeman High School senior will be...

Susan Huckeby

The 2025 Montana Swimming Short Course State Championships and the 2025 Montana Swimming Junior BC Championships will both be held at the Butte Family YMCA. A specific date has not been set for the two swim meets. The two championship meets will be held between February 20 and March 9. At issue is when to schedule the two meets without conflicting with another meet. The 2025 MHSA High School state meet is February 13-15 in Great Falls. The 2025 YMCA Regional Championships are February 28 and March 1-2 in Boise....

Laura Parvey-Connors

The 2025 Western Zone Short Course Championships will be held on February 14 - 17, 2025, in Irvine. The Montana High School State Swimming Meet is scheduled for the same date. This decision was approved at the Western Zone House of Delegates in September, 2023, to be more inclusive of California teams - athletes, coaches, officials - who have not yet had full access to this event, due to scheduling conflicts of High School Swimming in California. The Steering Committee recognizes that most Senior Zone-level athletes are likely to be...