Below are the Montana Swimming House of Delegates meeting minutes, newsletters, reports, and other LSC documents.

The Montana Swimming Secretary is Susan Huckeby of Butte. She can be reached at


2023 Fall HOD DRAFT Meeting Minutes   PDF

2023 Spring HOD APPROVED Meeting Minutes   PDF

2022 Fall HOD APPROVED Meeting Minutes   PDF

2022 Spring HOD APPROVED Meeting Minutes   PDF

2021 Spring HOD Approved Meeting Minutes   PDF

2021 Fall HOD Approved Meeting Minutes   PDF

2020 Fall HOD APPROVED Meeting Minutes   PDF

2020 Spring HOD APPROVED Meeting Minutes   PDF

2019 Fall HOD Approved Meeting Minutes   PDF

2019 Executive Board APPROVED Meeting Minutes 9-23-19   PDF

2019 Spring HOD APPROVED Meeting Minutes   PDF 

2019 April Executive Board Conference Call APPROVED Meeting Minutes   PDF

2018: Fall HOD Approved Meeting Minutes:   PDF

2018 Spring HOD Approved Meeting Minutes:   Word    PDF


2017 Spring APPROVED Meeting Minutes:    Word    PDF

2017  Fall HOD Corrected Approved Meeting Minutes:     PDF


2017 FALL HOD Meeting

Sunday, October 1 ~ Location: Butte YMCA, Butte, MT ~ Time: 9:00 am

Each club is invited to send 1 athlete representative and 1 club representative to represent their team at all HOD meetings.

Each representative, both athlete and club member, are considered voting members of the HOD.

 Meeting AGENDA:    Tentative Agenda in WORD    PDF

2017 Fall Meeting PROPOSALS:    Word   PDF   Combined listing posted 9-11-17

2017 Draft Fall HOD UNAPPROVED Meeting Minutes (posted 10-21-17):     PDF

2017 Draft Spring HOD UNAPPROVED Meeting Minutes (updated - posted 10-18-17):     Word    PDF  

2016 Fall HOD APPROVED Meeting Minutes: (includes the sign in sheet, proposals, reports submitted as of the meeting, and the LC meet schedule) Posted 10-21-17:    Word    PDF

2017-2018 Preliminary Proposed Short Course Meet Schedule:  

Chair Reports (will be posted as submitted)

  • General Chair's Report     Word
  • Administration Vice Chair's Report and Secretary's  Report  Word
  • Finance Vice Chair's Report    Word
  • Treasurer's Reports:

                   2016 FY Balance Sheet versus the Previous Year     PDF

                   2016 FY Profit and Loss Statement versus the Budget    PDF

                   2016 FY Profit and Loss Statement Previous Year Comparison    PDF

                    FY 2018 Preliminary Proposed Budget    XLSX

                    FY 2018 APPROVED Budget    PDF

  • Registration Chair's Reports
  • LSC Time's Chair Report
  • Official's Chair Report   Word
  • Senior Development Chair's Report
  • Program Development/Age Group Chair's Report (Zone Coordinator)
  • Technical Chair's Report
  • Record's Chair Report    PDF
  • Safe Sport Chair's Report    Word
  • Operational Risk (Safety) Chair's Report
  • Adapted Swimming Chair's Report
  • Diversity & Inclusion Chair's Report    Word
  • IT Chair's Report (webmaster)   Word
  • Coach Representative's Report
  • Athlete Representatives'' Reports   Mari Aoki
  • Scholastic All American Report    Word
  • USA Swimming Times and Recognition Committee Member Report  Word  
  • USA Swimming Convention Reports  
    • ​Claire Becker    Word
    • AJ Popp    Word
    • Kirby Biererle   Word


2017 Spring HOD Meeting

Date: Friday, May 19

Location: Holiday Inn Express, 2305 Catron St., near Costco, Bozeman, MT

The meeting will begin after the conclusion of the meet that day. Each club is invited to send 1 athlete representative and 1 club representative to represent their team and vote on issues presented at all HOD meetings. Each representative, both athlete and club member, are considered voting members of the HOD.

Here are the details for the upcoming HOD meeting:

  • Date: Friday May 19, 2017
  • Time:  Meeting will start 30 minutes after the last heat at the May Classic.
  • Location:  Holiday Inn Express, 2305 Catron St., near Costco
  • Bring: An Athlete with you! And a smile....Think Big Sky, Big Dreams, Big Success!

Montana Swimming Core Values: Integrity, Excellence, Unity.

Montana Swimming's Mission: Montana Swimming, united in service, achieving excellence in and out of the pool.

Meeting Agenda:    Preliminary Word    Preliminary PDF

2017 Spring UNAPPROVED Meeting Minutes:(includes the sign in sheet, proposals, reports submitted as of the meeting, and the LC meet schedule):   Word    PDF

2016 Fall HOD UNAPPROVED Meeting Minutes: (includes the sign in sheet, proposals, reports submitted as of the meeting, and the LC meet schedule):  Word    PDF  (Note: These meeting minutes were not approved at the spring meeting.)

2017-2018 Preliminary Proposed Short Course Season Meet Calendar   PDF

Athlete of the Year Nominations: Athlete of the Year Nominations Power Point Calculation Form

  • Female

  • Male

Sports Person of the Year Nominations:

  • Female

  • Male

Phillips 66 outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award Nominations: 

Chair Reports (will be posted as submitted)

  • General Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Administration Vice Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Finance Vice Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Treasurer's Reports

                                P&L vs Prev Year report

                                P&L vs Budget report

                                Balance Sheet report

  • Registration Chair's reports  Word    PDF

  • Official's Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Senior Development Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Technical Planning Chair's  report    Word   PDF

  • LSC Times Chair report    Word    PDF

  • Records Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Safe Sport report    Word    PDF

  • Safety Chair's  report    Word    PDF

  • Diversity & Inclusion Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Adapted Swimming Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Zones Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • IT Chair's (webmaster) report    Word    PDF

  • Coach Representative's report    Word    PDF

  • Athlete Representative's reports    Word    PDF -

  • Scholastic All-American report    Word    PDF   Time Standards

  • Mixer Meet report    Word    Pdf

  • AAA Camp report    Word    PDF


2016 Fall HOD Approved Meeting Minutes:                Word    PDF  

2016 Spring HOD Approved Meeting Minutes            Word    PDF

Fall Meeting Paperwork October 2, 2016:

 Meeting AGENDA:    Tentative Agenda in Word

2016 Fall Meeting Proposals:       Word     PDF

Chair Reports (will be posted as submitted)

  • General Chair's Report     

  • Administration Vice Chair's Report

  • Finance Vice Chair's Report

  • Treasurer's Reports

                   2015 FY Balance Sheet versus the Previous Year    PDF

                   2015 FY Profit and Loss Statement versus the Budget    PDF

                   2015 FY Profit and Loss Statement Previous Year Comparison    PDF

                   2017 Preliminary Budget Proposal

                   2016 Balance Sheet

                   2016 Balance Sheet

2016 Spring HOD Meeting paperwork: May 20, 2016

Montana Swimming Core Values: Integrity, Excellence, Unity.

Montana Swimming's Mission: Montana Swimming, united in service, achieving excellence in and out of the pool.

Meeting Agenda:    Word    PDF

2016 Spring HOD Draft Meeting Minutes   PDF unapproved

2016-2017 Preliminary Proposed Short Course Season Meet Calendar   PDF

Athlete of the Year Nominations: Athlete of the Year Nominations Power Point Calculation Form

  • Female

  • Male

Sports Person of the Year Nominations:

  • Female
  • Male

Phillips 66 outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award Nominations

Chair Reports (will be posted as submitted)

  • General Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Administration Vice Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Finance Vice Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Treasurer's Reports

                                P&L vs Prev Year report

                                P&L vs Budget report

                                Balance Sheet report

  • Registration Chair's reports

  • Official's Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Senior Development Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Technical Planning Chair's  report    Word    PDF

  • LSC Times Chair report    Word    PDF

  • Records Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Safe Sport report    Word    PDF

  • Safety Chair's  report    Word    PDF

  • Diversity & Inclusion Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Adapted Swimming Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • Zones Chair's report    Word    PDF

  • IT Chair's (webmaster) report    Word    PDF

  • Coach Representative's report    Word    PDF

  • Athlete Representative's reports    Word    PDF -

  • Scholastic All-American report    Word    PDF

  • Mixer Meet report    Word    PDF

  • AAA Camp report    Word    PDF


Fall HOD Meeting

2015 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes             Word   PDF

Updated meeting agenda (updated 10/9/2015) :    Word   PDF

2015 Fall Meeting Proposals: PDF       

2014 Fall Meeting draft minutes: PDF     2014 Fall Meeting draft proposals: PDF

2016 Preliminary Proposed Long Course Meet Schedule: PDF   

General Chair's Report  PDF   Convention report  PDF  

Treasurer's Reports

                   2016 Preliminary Budget Proposal XLS

                   2015 Balance Sheet 10/1/15 PDF

                   2014 Balance Sheet PDF

Official's Chair's Report: pdf

Program Development/Age Group Chair (Zones Coordinator): PDF

Records Chair's Report - pdf

Safe Sport  PDF

Diversity & Inclusion Chair's Report PDF

IT Chair's (webmaster) Report PDF

Scholastic All-American Report PDF

USA Swimming Convention Reports

Spring HOD Meeting

2015 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes         Word   PDF

2015 Spring HOD Meeting agenda : PDF

2015-2016 Preliminary Proposed Short Course Meet Schedule: XLS

General Chair's  Report

Finance Vice Chair's  Report

Treasurer's Reports

                   2014 P&L Actual vs Previous Year Report

                   2014 P&L Actual vs Budget Report

                   2014 Balance Sheet vs Previous Year Report

Athlete of the Year Nominations (Male and Female)   Power Point Calculation Form

Female: Hanni Leach (MAC); Catherine Russo (BOZ)

Male:  Adam Zimmer (MAC); Cale Berkoff (MAC); Joey Peter (BOZ)

Sports Person of the Year Nominations (Male and Female)

Phillips 66 Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Records Chair's Report

Safe Sport Report

Scholastic All-American Report

Mixed Meet Report



Fall HOD Meeting

2014 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes             Word   PDF

MEETING AGENDA (revised 9-28) : PDF

Proposals before the HOD : PDF

  • Prop 15 revised : PDF
  • Prop 16 revised : PDF

Proposed FY2015 Budget: PDF

General Chair's Repot

Administration Vice Chair's Report

Finance Vice Chair's Report

Treasurer's Reports

Registration Chair's  reports

Official's Chair's Report

Senior Development Chair's Report

Technical Planning Chair's  report

Athlete of the Year Nominations

Records Chair's Report

Safe Sport Report

Zones Chair's Report

IT Chair's (SWIMS.db) report

IT Chair's (webmaster) report

Convention Reports -

Scholastic All-American report

Western Zone Diversity Committee Report

Spring HOD Meeting

Meeting Minutes (Prelim): PDF

Meeting AGENDA : PDF

2014-15 Preliminary Proposed Meet Calendar

General Chair's report

Administration Vice Chair's report

Finance Vice Chair's report

Treasurer's Reports

Registration Chair's  reports

Official's Chair's report

Senior Development Chair's report

Athlete of the Year Nominations: Mari Aoki   Jason Smith

Records Chair's report

Safe Sport report

Zones Chair's report

  • MT Code of Conduct - pdf

IT Chair's (SWIMS.db) report

IT Chair's (webmaster) report

Scholastic All-American report

Mixed Meet Report

AAA Camp Promo flyer



March 2, 2013 Special HOD meeting notes, Butte, MT - pdf

2013 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes

2013 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes

2013 Fall HOD Meeting

was held October 6th in Helena

Meeting Signin Sheet

Meeting AGENDA : PDF

AGENDA WITH NOTES (prelim minutes)


2014 Long Course Proposed Meet Schedule

Proposals for the Fall Meeting :


Final proposals from Exec Committe : PDF

original proposals with comments : PDF

Chair Reports (will be posted as submitted)

  • General Chair's report
  • Administration Vice Chair's report
  • Finance Vice Chair's report
  • Treasurer's Report - 2014 Budget
  • Registration Chair's  report
    • Year Round Athletes Registrations - 2013 - 2012
    • Seasonal Athletes Registrations - 2013 - 2012
    • Coaches Officials Registrations - 2011 - 2012
  • Official's Chair's  report
  • Senior Development Chair's report
  • Technical Planning Chair's  report
  • Records Chair's  report
  • Safe Sport Report
  • Safety Chair's  report
  • Adapted Swimming Chair's Report
  • Zones Chair's  report
  • IT Chair's (SWIMS.db)  report
    IT Chair's (webmaster)  report
  • Coach Representative's  report
  • Athlete Representative's Report
  • Convention Reports -
    • Athlete Rep's - Andrea S Report
    • Athlete Rep's - Hailey J Report
    • Athlete Rep's - Jenna M Report
  • Scholastic All-American report


The spring HOD Meeting was held

Saturday evening, May 18th in BOZEMAN

Minutes of the Spring Meeting

2013-14 SC Meet Schedule

Spring Meeting Agenda - pdf

Montana Swimming Bylaws 4-21-13 - pdf

ByLaws Approval Form Montana Swimming April 22, 2013 - pdf

Nagashima Travel Fund - pdf

Chair Reports (will be posted as submitted)

  • General Chair's report
  • Administration Vice Chair's report
  • Finance Vice Chair's report
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Registration Chair's report
    • Year Round Registration Reports - 2012 - 2013
    • Seasonal Registration Reports - 2012 - 2013
  • Official's Chair's report
  • Senior Development Chair's report
  • Technical Planning Chair's  report
  • Records Chair's report
  • Safety Chair's  report
  • Adapted Swimming Chair's Report
  • Zones Chair's report
  • IT Chair's (SWIMS.db)  report
    IT Chair's (webmaster) report
  • Coach Representative's  report
  • Athlete Representative's Report
  • Scholastic All-American Report - Time Stds



Fall HOD Meeting

2012 Fall HOD meeting Minutes  unapproved

Attendees - signin sheet

Agenda for the Fall Meeting - agenda-final

Proposals for the Fall Meeting - report

Chair Reports (Zip file)

LEAP DOCUMENTS : updated 10-2012

MT Swim Bylaws -  doc pdf

MT Swim Policies & Procedures --  doc pdf

MT Swim Rules & Regulations --  doc pdf

November 12, 2012 Special HOD Meeting- Missoula, MT Proposals and Minutes of the Meeting

Spring HOD Meeting

2012 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes  pdf

Proposed 2012-13 SC Meet Schedule - pdf

Chair Reports - zip file

Athlete of the Year Tally Spreadsheet - Excel Spreadsheet

Yellowstone Aquatics & Courts - HOD Presentation -  PPT





2011 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes - PDF 

2011 Fall HOD Meeting Proposals/Results  -- PDF

2011 Fall HOD Chair Reports - ZIP file

2011 Fall HOD License Plate Documents - ZIP file

2011 Fall HOD Team Unify Documents - ZIP file

2011 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes     -PDF-

2011 Spring HOD Meeting Reports      -ZIP-

2010 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes         -PDF-
2010 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes     -PDF-


2009 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes          -PDF-
Spring 2009 HOD Meeting Minutes     -PDF-


2008 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes         -PDF-


2007 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes         -PDF-


Fall 2006 HOD Meeting Minutes         -PDF-

Spring 2006 HOD Meeting Minutes    -PDF-




2004 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2004 Spring HOD Meeting Agenda: PDF

2004 Spring HOD Meeting Notice: PDF

2004 MT Swim LC Meet Schedule: PDF

September 2004 MT Swim Newsletter: PDF

2004 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2004 Fall HOD Meeting Agenda: PDF

2004-2005 MT Swim SC and LC Meet Schedule: PDF

2004 WZ Meeting Minutes: PDF

2004 WZ By-Laws: PDF



2003 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2003 Spring HOD Meeting Agenda: PDF

June 2003 MT Swimming Newsletter: PDF

April 2003 MT Swim Support for Missoula Pool Letter: PDF

2003 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2003 Fall HOD Meeting Agenda: PDF

2003 MT Swim Budget: PDF

2003 Fall HOD Banquet Notice: PDF

November 2003 MT Swim Newsletter: PDF


2002 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2002 Spring HOD Meeting Agenda: PDF

2002 Spring HOD Meeting Notice: PDF

2002 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2002 Fall HOD Meeting Agenda: PDF

2002 Fall HOD Meeting Request for Proposals: PDF

2002-2003 SC Swim Schedule: PDF

2002 Western Zone April Newsletter: PDF


2001 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2001 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2001 Fall HOD Meeting Agenda: PDF

2001-2002 MT Swimming Meet Schedule: PDF


2000 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

2000 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF


1999 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

1999 Fall HOD Meeting Notice: PDF

1999 November Newsletter: PDF


1998 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF


1997 Spring HOD Meeting Notice: PDF

1997 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

1997 Fall HOD Meeting Notice: PDF

1997 Fall HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

April Newsletter: PDF

November Newsletter: PDF



1996 Spring HOD Meeting Minutes: PDF

1996 Fall HOD Meeting minutes: PDF

June Newsletter: PDF

September Newsletter: PDF

November Newsletter: PDF