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This page provides information and resources on how to include LGBTQ athletes in your swimming program.

What does LGBTQ stand for: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning.

USA Swimming and Montana Swimming are committed to a culture of inclusion and opportunity for people of diverse backgrounds, including, but not limited to, race, age, income, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender expression and sexual orientation.


The US Center for Safe Sport and USA Swimming prohibit discrimination against any member or participant on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity is prohibited (304.3.3). In the event that a question should arise about whether an athlete’s request to participate in a manner consistent with his/her/their gender identity is bona fide, USA Swimming will refer to the Code of Conduct and follow its standard procedures of enforcement.

USAS Recommended Practices for Gender Diverse Minor Athletes    PDF

LGBTQ Safe Sport Athlete Presentation October 2015 PDF

LGBTQ Safe Sport Coach Presentation October 2015 PDF

LGBTQ Cultural Resource Inclusion Guide  click here

LGBT Inclusion - Prevention of Discrimination and Violence in Swimming - Pride in Sport  PDF

Making Sports Safe for LGBTQ Athletes   PDF

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center website


Transgender Athlete Resources

2022 USA Swimming Policy 19 for Transgender Athletes   PDF

FINA Transgender Inclusion Policy and Appendices effective 6-20-2022   PDF

Best Practices - Inclusion of Transgender Athletes PDF

Transgender Specific: Trans*Athlete Resource website

NCAA Inclusion of Transgender Athletes Handbook  PDF

Transgender Student Participation In School Sports from the NFHS   PDF

2018 USAS Transgender Task Force Information    PDF