USA Swimming Safe Sport Athlete Fellowships


The application for the 2019 class of theIMG_0966

 USA Swimming Athlete Fellowship was open from September 25 - October 20, 2018 (now closed for 2019). The Fellowship is an exciting opportunity for athlete members to take on a leadership role within USA Swimming.  New this year: the fellowship is expanding to include 4 Safe Sport Fellows, 2 Diversity & Inclusion Fellows, and 2 Clean Sport Fellows!

Fellows will attend three Leadership Institutes throughout their 13-month commitment, as well as implement innovative program-specific projects in their home LSC.  

It is free to apply and participate, and Fellows will gainvaluable leadership training, create new professional contexts, and experience an opportunity to plug into the leadership of USA Swimming in an unprecedented way.
Appl ications  are now closed. Check teh USA Swimming wesbite for the 2020 application period.
Please direct questions to Maggie Vail, Safe Sport Education Manager (
2019 Athlete Safe Sport Fellowship Announcement   PDF
Athlete Safe Sport Fellowship Job Description   PDF
Athlete Safe Sport Fellowship FAQs   PDF
Athlete Safe Sport Fellowship Committment Summary   PDF