Big Sky. Big Dreams. Big Success!

The Montana Swimming Operational Risk Safety Chair is Alana Cunninhgam from Helena email or phone 406-437-1744.

Accidents seldom “just happen,” and many can be prevented. According to the National Safety Council, 85 percent of all accidents are preventable; accidents that might have occurred are prevented or reduced by those who develop and execute risk management programs. 

Safety should always be our first concern on the pool deck.

What to do in case of an injury or accident: Report of Occurrence (ROO): 

The online report of occurrence form is here.

The Report of Occurrence shall be submitted by the coach, official or someone affiliated with the club/facility any time there is an accident or injury during any USA Swimming activities such as Sanctioned or Approved swim meets, swimming practices, contracted Swim-a-Thons or approved social events. The parent or injured party should NOT submit the form. The online form does require that certain sections, indicated by an asterisk, be completed before it can be submitted. If you have any questions, please contact

Upon submission of the completed Report of Occurrence, you will receive an automated email indicating that USA Swimming has received the form.  In the body of the email is a detailed account of the information that was reported. This email can be printed or saved to a file for record keeping. PLEASE FORWARD A COPY OF THIS EMAILED REPORT TO the Operational Risk Chair for Montana Swimming Alana Cunningham.

Safety information to help make your team, pool deck, locker rooms, and swim meet a safe environment for everyone:

Do you ever wonder what the coach means when he/she tells the swimmers to use a 3 point entry to enter the pool? What this quick video here from Arizona Swimming and you'll be a master of the 3 point entry very quickly! 

How do you control your pool during a meet? From warmups, checking credentials, and locker rooms, this presentation will give you some helpful ideas!   PDF

Safety Action Plan Information   Word   PDF

Safety Action Plan Examples   PDF

Body Fluid Clean Sheet   PDF

What's in Your First Aid Kit?  PowerPoint Presentation   PPT   or PDF

Meet Marshal Checklist Card   PDF