The Montana Swimming officials resource page has many helpful articles and links to provide you, the official, with needed resources.

Officials Training PowerPoint Presentations:

Officials, USA Swimming has PowerPoint training resources available on the USA Swimming website and can be found here. On the officials document page scroll down to Officials Training, then click on the Officials Clinic & Briefing Resources tab to access the information.

2022 USA Swimming digital rule book  here.

Officials PowerPoint Presentations:

Stroke and Turn PowerPoint Presentation: here

Officials Stroke and Turn Briefing (revised 12-5-2017): here

Officials Training Clinic Lesson Plan:  here

Starter PowerPoint Presentation: here

Starter Clinic Video Discussion points: here

Starter Training Clinic Manual: here

Administrative Official Clinic Guideline:  here

Starter, referee, and admin official trainees, please see a referee on your team or the Montana Swimming officials chair for additional information if needed.


Helpful Articles:



What is a False Start? (September 2012)  PDF

Officiating for Disability Athletes   PDF

The ABC's of Officiating:  PDF

Officiating at the 2016 Rio Olympics -- Q&A with Jay Thomas  PDF