DEI and Disability Terminology

Using the correct terminology when working with diverse populations is important. The information below will guide you by bringing together definitions and information from multiple sources related to race, ethnicity, disability, immigration, sexuality, gender identity, and geography.

Diversity Style Guide   Link

Disability Language Style Guide    Link    PDF (2021)

Disability Writing Style Guide Spanish Version   PDF (2021)

Inclusive Practices for Coaches    PDF (2020)

ADA Guideline for Writing About People with Disabilities    PDF (2017)

Examples of how Montana Swimming embeds DEI in our LSC activities include using gender neutral names (chairperson rather than chairman) and using the correct pronouns when addressing a person such as she/her/hers or he/his/him/ or they/their/theirs. Officials seeking to clear the pool should state "thank you swimmers" rather than thank you ladies or gentlemen. Montana Swimming also seeks to post information in Spanish when available.