Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy 2.0

The USA Swimming Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy home webpage: here

The NEW Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy 2.0 (MAAPP 2.0) will be in effect beginning September 1, 2021. Montana Swimming and all member clubs and unattahed memebrs must comply with the MAAPP 2.0 requirements by this date.

USA Swimming’s top priority continues to be creating healthy and positive environments free from abuse for all its members. As part of its commitment to safeguard athletes, USA Swimming has released an updated Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) applicable to all USA Swimming Adult Participants, Zones, LSCs and member clubs. These required updates come from the U.S. Center for SafeSport (the “Center”). USA Swimming’s updated MAAPP document has been approved by the Center and is required to be fully implemented by USA Swimming, its Zones, LSCs and member clubs. USA Swimming has set a deadline for those organizations to implement the policy in full no later than September 1, 2021; all organizations are encouraged to implement the MAAPP prior to the September 1 deadline.  

USA Swimming implemented its first MAAPP in 2019. The initial USA Swimming MAAPP went above and beyond the Center’s requirements to restrict one-on-one interactions between adults and minor athletes. The 2021 required updates will not be the same major overhaul directly due to our robust efforts in 2019. However, there are still significant changes USA Swimming, its Zones, LSCs and member clubs are required to implement. Below are some key takeaways to understand and focus on: 
  1. Adult Participant term replaces Applicable Adult term 
  2. Added Definitions section 
  3. Dual Relationship and Close-In-Age Exceptions  
  4. Modifications to Required Consents section 
  5. New Meetings and Individual Training Sessions section  
“This year, we are providing more time for USA Swimming member clubs to implement MAAPP 2.0,” USA Swimming’s Program Director of Safe Sport Liz Hahn said. “In addition, we have numerous resources for LSCs, member clubs, adults and athletes to understand and ask questions about the new policy, including four separate webinars.”  
Participants can register for the hour-long webinars on USA Swimming’s webinars and presentations page. All webinars will be structured similarly, but a rolling FAQ list will be updated after each session.  
USA Swimming wants the transition to MAAPP 2.0 to be as seamless as possible for all members. In addition to the webinar opportunities, USA Swimming’s Safe Sport website has been updated to include new resources, including: 
  •  A editable MAAPP 2.0 document for clubs to download and customize as its own.  
  •  Educational documents to help guide and assist all USA Swimming member clubs.  
“We will continue to provide support in any way possible for our membership,” Hahn said.  

For questions regarding MAAPP 2.0, please reach out to your club’s or LSC’s USA Swimming Safe Sport Chair/Coordinator, USA Swimming Safe Sport Zone Chair or email maapp@usaswimming.org.  
To learn more about this policy, and to find the available resources, please visit usaswimming.org/MAAPP

MAAPP 2.0 Resources:

Full Policy:   PDF

Customizable Full Policy:    Word

Adult Participant:   PDF

General Requirements:   PDF

One-on-One Interactions:   PDF

Meetings and Individual Training Sessions:   PDF

Electronic Communication:   PDF

In Program Travel and Lodging:   PDF

Locker Rooms and Changing Areas:   PDF

Massages and Rubdowns:   PDF

Clubs must continue to have a bullying policy in place.

2019 Original Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Full Policy:   PDF  (No longer in effect after September 1, 2021)

  • Applicable Adults   PDF
  • Travel   PDF
  • One-on-One Interactions   PDF
  • Social Media and Electronic Communications   PDF
  • Locker Rooms and Changing Areas   PDF
  • Massages and Rubdowns   PDF

Additional Safe Sport information: (January 2020)

  • Preventing Bullying - Coach's Handbook    PDF
  • USA Swimming Athlete Training Facilitaor Guide   PDF
  • 30 Second Safe Sport Introduction    PDF
  • 2019 USAS Convention Safe Sport Chairs Workshop Presentation   PDF
  • 2019 USAS Convention Athlete Engagement Presentation   PDF
  • 2019 Athletes as Leaders Training    PDF
  • 2019 Coaching Boys Into Men Training   PDF
  • Free Athlete Protection Training Handouts QR Codes   Word
  • Safe Sport IS Poster   Word
  • Safe Sport cards - poster of cards available - PDF
  • Safe Sport Club Recognition as of 9-9-19 -- Started and completed  PDF

​Sample Forms:

  • MAAPP Sample Language for Meets   Word
  • MAAPP Sample Acknowledgement of Policy    Word
  • MAAPP Sample Permission Slip for massage Therapist or Other Health Care Provider   Word
  • MAAPP Sample Permission Slip for Mental Health Care Provider or Health Care Provider to Have One-On-One   Word
  • MAAPP Sample Permission Slip Unrelated Adult Athlete to Share Lodging with a Minor   Word
  •  MAAPP Sample Permission Slip Unrelated Applicable Adult to Provide Transportation to Minor Athlete   Word
  • MAAPP Sample Permission Slip Unrelated Applicable Adult to Travel to Competition with Minor Athlete   Word

Policies and Guidelines:

  • Best Practices Guideline   PDF
  • Model Code of Conduct - Athlete   Word
  • Model Code of Conduct - Parent    Word
  • Model Code of Conduct - Coach   Word
  • Model Policy - Action Plan to Address Bullying   PDF
  • Model Policy for Photography   PDF
  • Model Policy for Gender Diverse Minors   PDF


  • Electronic Comunication Poster   PDF
  • No Cameras Poster   PDF
  • Safe Sport Coach Poster   PDF