The Montana Swimming Safe Sport Chair is Brenda Huckert. Contact her for more information on how to make your club a Safe Sport Recognized Club!

The USA Swimming Safe Sport Club Recognition program allows a USA Swimming member club to demonstrate its commitment to creating a healthy and positive environment free from abuse for all its members through the development and implementation of club governance measures, Safe Sport policies and reporting mechanisms, Safe Sport best practices and training to athletes and parents.

USA Swimming Safe Sport Club Recognition Program webpage  here

Safe Sport Standards and Resources:

  • Clubs will be asked to share their Athlete Protection Policies and other measures they have in place to safeguard athletes.
    They will also demonstrate how they screen and select staff and volunteers as getting the right people involved is a big part of successfully implementing Safe Sport.
  • Additionally, clubs will be awarded points when minor athletes and parents complete the Safe Sport online courses, as well as hosting in-person Safe Sport related training.
  • They will also detail communication to members about how to report misconduct to USA Swimming Safe Sport and the U.S. Center for SafeSport.


Recognized clubs earn a badge to display on their website, and these clubs will be designated as Safe Sport recognized in USA Swimming’s Find-a-Team online search tool. Become recognized and demonstrate your team’s commitment to safeguarding your athletes and all participants!