Upper Level Meet Travel Expense Reimbursement for Athletes and Coaches and Officials


Montana Swimming will reimburse travel expenses MT Swimming registered athletes (including relay only swimmers) and travel expenses for one MT Swimming registered coach per each eligible MT Swimming team who participate in any of the following meets at the following rates as well as any MT Swimming registered officials who work all sessions of the meet. Receipts must be submitted to be reimbursed. Reimbursement rates are as follows:

  • Senior Nationals, World Trials, the US Open, Olympic Trials, National Disability Championships, and National Disability Trials: $800 each.
  • Junior Nationals: $600 each
  • Pro Swim Series: $400 each
  • Futures Championships: $200 each
  • Senior Sectionals (spring and summer): $100 each

After the meet, swimmers must submit proof of participation in the meet (meet results) to the Montana Swimming treasurer, submit receipts, and a complete expense report to request reimbursement.

After the meet, coaches must submit proof of travel to and from the meet (submit receipts) to the Montana Swimming treasurer and a complete expense report to request reimbursement.

After the meet, officials must submit proof of travel to and from the meet (submit receipts) as well as a printout from the Officials Tracking System (OTS) showing the official worked all sessions at the meet.

Expense Report

Montana Swimming Treasurer: Matt Yovich

Effective 10-1-2017; Officials added October 2020.

Nagashima Travel Fund

In the mid 1990s Chuck Nagashima, a Billings swim parent, passed away.  Chuck loved what swimming had done for his family and so as part of his last requests he funded what we now call the "The Nagashima Fund".  In his memory clubs and individuals from around the LSC also contributed to the travel fund.

It was Chuck's wish that the fund be used to help send financially needy swimmers to advanced out of state meets. 

The fund is only replenished by donations or by the LSC budgeting funds to be put in the fund as seen fit by the House of Delegates.

Swimmers can request help from the fund by applying to the General Chair or the Treasurer and it is at their discretion in concert as to whether funds will be allotted or not.